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About Suraj

Suraj Budathoki

​Suraj is a husband, a father of two, a business owner, a peace activist, and a doctoral student. He is also running to represent Hillsborough County District 40 (Wards 1, 3, 10, 11, and 12) in the New Hampshire State House to ensure that the Granite States have the best and adequately funded public education, affordable housing, protection of women’s reproductive rights, a safer community, and opportunities to thrive. Suraj’s goal is to create a society where every family has access to quality healthcare, children grow up in safe and loving environments, and everyone has equal opportunities to improve their lives; not just that, but to THRIVE.  This November, the stakes are higher than ever, and Suraj Budathoki stands as the candidate who is well-equipped to fight for fellow granite staters.

Suraj's Vision for New Hampshire: A Detailed Policy Agenda

​Protecting Women's Reproductive Rights

I firmly believe in the right of every woman to make decisions about their own body. In New Hampshire, we must ensure that all women have access to comprehensive healthcare services, including contraception, family planning, and safe, legal abortion. I will fight against any legislation that seeks to limit these fundamental rights and will advocate for policies that support women's health and autonomy. When we safeguard reproductive rights, we uphold individual freedom and promote equality and justice for all women in our state.

Addressing the Housing Crisis

Every resident deserves access to affordable, safe, and stable housing. I am committed to implementing comprehensive policies to achieve this goal:

  • I will advocate for increased funding and support for affordable housing developments, ensuring that working families, seniors, and low-income residents can access quality housing options.

  • I will work to streamline zoning and permitting processes to encourage the construction of diverse housing types, including multi-family units and mixed-use developments, to meet the growing demand.

  • I will support initiatives that provide rental assistance and protect tenants from unjust evictions, ensuring housing stability for all.

  • I will also champion policies promoting homeownership opportunities, such as down payment assistance programs and incentives for first-time homebuyers.

By addressing these critical areas, we can create a more inclusive and vibrant New Hampshire where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in a home they can afford.

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